Archive for February 20th, 2010


Hah! More evidence that I am not crazy to want to move away from here as soon as I can.

America’s Most Miserable Cities

I had to check out the blog of somebody who loves Cleveland to see her response. She points out the good things about Cleveland, which is fine and a valid point. I enjoy most of those things and I think she even left out the orchestra, which is the very best thing! Whats funny is that in her post and in the comments most people who give a reason that they adore Cleveland compare it with somewhere that they don’t like: New Jersey-specifically Newark, Philadelphia, Detroit, Flint, LA, Stockton… I will agree that saying that those places are miserable may refute Forbes’ claim that Cleveland is MOST miserable, however saying a rotten plum tastes better than a rotten orange does not make the plum good…

The saddest thing is that I feel like Cleveland could be a good place to live. If the place could maybe pave their streets once in a while, teach people how to drive properly, stop taxing the living daylights out of me, teach people how to be polite and friendly, make it safe for me to walk around at night, build a WinCo, and bulldoze the rest of the state and build a wild and craggy mountain range complete with ski areas, highest points to hike to, and wilderness where I can get seriously injured or and/lost for days, it would be a reasonable place to live.

February 2010
